BMA Medical Book of the Year 2019!
BMA Medical Book of the Year 2019!
I ove godine od strane BMA proglašena je medicinska knjiga godine!
"...It should have a place on the reference shelves of travel health advisers and institutions where travel medicine and global health are taught or practised."
Dr Michael Townend - Reviewer
Jay S Keystone, Phyllis E Kozarsky, Bradley A Connor, Hans D Nothdurft, Marc Mendelson, and Karin Leder.
Published by Elsevier, December 2018
(ISBN: 9780323546966 - 135,99EUR)
Travel Medicine, 4th Edition, includes not only tourism and business travellers, but also incorporates volunteerism, medical care, migration, ecotourism, and more This book include information on new vaccines and newly proposed regimens, pre-travel advice and post-travel screening, and all travel-related illnesses. The care of special groups such as pregnant women, paediatric travellers, immigrants, VFR travellers, diabetics, and immunocompromised hosts is also discussed. Recent developments and advances in travellers' diarrhoea, immunizations, malaria medications, and emerging infectious diseases will also be highlighted as well as emerging topics on war and refugee health. It includes new illustrations and numerous new tables and boxes provide visual guidance and make reference quick and easy.
- Jay S. Keystone, CM, MD, MSc(CTM), FRCPC, professor, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto; staff physician, Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- Phyllis E. Kozarsky, MD, professor emerita, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA.
- Bradley A. Connor, MD, clinical professor of medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University; Medical Director, The New York Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine, New York, NY, USA; President, International Society of Travel Medicine.
- Hans D. Nothdurft, MD, professor, Department of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine; Head, University Travel Clinic, University of Munich, Munich, Germany.
- Marc Mendelson, MD, PhD, principal specialist and head, Division of Infectious Diseases and HIV Medicine, Department of Medicine, Groote Schuur Hospital, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Karin Leder, associate professor, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Director of Travel Medicine and Immigrant Health ,Victorian Infectious Disease Service, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Victoria, Australia.
It was reviewed by BMA life member, Dr Michael Townend, past chairman of the British Global and Travel Health Association and honorary clinical senior lecturer in travel medicine and global health at the University of Glasgow, who wrote:
"The strength of this book lies in its wide coverage of travel health issues and the wide variety of international experts who have written about them. Most of the information required by travel health advisers is readily available online but there is a need for a comprehensive reference book on travel health, as some still prefer the printed page, and this book more than adequately meets that need. The book has multiple authors but it has a large degree of uniformity of style which is very clear. It makes very good use of illustrations and figures throughout. It should have a place on the reference shelves of travel health advisers and all institutions where travel medicine and global health are taught or practised."
Renata Paladin - sales agent
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